A) How is it formed?
Youwatch TV on Sunday

Youdon'twatch TV on Sunday

DoYouwatch TV on Sunday?

The present simple is formed by adding the base form to the subject for all the forms except the third person singular. We use the do auxiliary for the interrogative and don’t for the negative. With the third person singular (HE/SHE/IT) remember to add an “s” to the base form of the verb in affirmative sentences and to transform DO/DOES in the negative and , DON’T/DOESN’T in the interrogative (for the spelling rules concerning the “s” see BOX below).

B) When is it used?

1) To describe habitual actions or routines, usually accompanied by frequency adverbs:
I always go to discos on Saturday nights.
[Vado sempre in discoteca ogni Sabato sera]

She never goes out during the week.
[Non esce mai durante la settimana]

Does she ever listen to her i-pod while she studies?
[Ascolta mai il suo i-pod mentre studia?]

2) To talk about general situations or things that are normally true or ask about factual infor-mation:
Water becomes ice when it is extremely cold.
[l’acqua diventa ghiaccio quando]

Does she speak a foreign language?
[Parla una lingua straniera?]

Does she speak a foreign language?
[Parla una lingua straniera?]

3) With the frequency adverb ALWAYS we may use the Present Continuous:
He’s always chatting in class!
[Chiacchiera sempre in classe!]

They’re always getting into truoble!
[Sono sempre nei guai.]

Here we are enphasizing a repeated action usually with a negative tone.

4) DO/DOES can also be used in affirmative/imperative sentences to express emphasis:
Do sit down, please!
[Ti chiedo di sederti, per favore!]

She does go to school!
[Va a scuola per davvero]


We always use the Simple Present with the verb TO BE + an adjective:
I’m tired. [Sono stanco.]

But when we use the verb TO BE to mean how a person is behaving, we may use the continuous form:
He’s being stupid! [Si comporta da stupido!]

Frequecy adverbs

always = sempre
usually = di solito
normall / generally = generalmente
often / frequently = spesso
sometimes = qualche volta
seldom / rarely = raramente
hardly ever = quasi mai
never / ever = mai
every now and then = ogni tanto

Frequecy expression

e.g once a week/every day/three times a week/on Monday afternoon etc.

Position of adverbs

The adverb goes always in front of the verb:
e.g. ! always go to school on Foot.

But with the verb TO BE the adverb goes after the verb
e.g. l’m always late.

The long frequency expressions may be placed at the end of the sentence:
e.g. I go to school Five times a week.


For the “s” of the third person singular apply the same rule of the plural of noums:
A) verbs which Finish in -s, -sh, -ch, -x + es.
e.g. He watches football on TV.

B)verbs which finish with a consonants + y ies
e.g. He studies a lot. etc

State verbs

You nearly always use the Present Simple with State verbs, which can be divided into the Follo-wing groups:
1- verbs about love: love/hate/mind/preger/iike etc
2- verbs about needs: want/need etc
3- verbs about understanding: know/think/believe/understand/suppose etc
4- verbs about perception: hear/taste/sound/smell etc
5- verbs about possession: own/have/belong
6- other verbs fike concern, include etc.

Some of these verbs can be used with the -ing Form but the meaning changes:
e.g. I think she’s nice [Penso che sia bella.]
I’m thinking of going to Boston next Summer.[Sto pensando di andare a Boston quest’estate.]